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Which flowmeter do I need for my application? 

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What other companies are in the flowmeter market?

The WorldFlow Handbook: A Guide to
Flowmeter Selection & Suppliers

Fully updated to 2023!

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The Worldflow Handbook gives you the information you need to select new-technology and conventional flowmeters. It also give flowmeter manufacturers an overall look at who is in the flowmeter market and who you are competing against in every flow technology.  The Handbook includes:

- An explanation of the paradigm case method of flowmeter selection

- A listing of the suppliers for all the new-technology and conventional flowmeters and what types of meters they manufacture

- A directory of over 250 flowmeter suppliers

It's as easy as One, Two, Three!   

Three chapters give you the information you need to decide what type of flowmeter to use for your application, find a supplier to order it from, and locate contact information for the supplier. New-technology flowmeters include Coriolis, magnetic, ultrasonic, vortex, and thermal. Coventional flowmeters include differential pressure, positive displacement, turbine, open channel, and variable area. 

The Worldflow Handbook's 140+ pages are chock full of valuable information for flowmeter suppliers and end-users alike!

The Worldflow Handbook is now fully updated to 2023.

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Flow Research, Inc. | 27 Water Street | Wakefield, MA 01880 | (781) 245-3200 | (781) 224-7552 (fax) | (800) 245-1799 (from the USA) | info@flowresearch.com

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